
Photos: Emma
Here is one inspiration of mine. Emma Elwin. What a gorgeous young lady. Her style is supersimple and relaxed. She always looks like she is on vacation even though she isn't. How lovely? And her belly is growing right now. Congrats to the baby and best wishes.
Postat av: Anonym

så snygg hon är!

Svar: Verkligen!
Fashion Blogazine

2016-04-18 @ 11:36:13
URL: http://kmstyle.blogg.se
Postat av: Anonym

Otroligt vackra bilder!

Svar: Håller med :)
Fashion Blogazine

2016-04-18 @ 16:20:33
URL: http://punkten.nu
Postat av: josephine Asplund

Hoppas du får en underbar eftermiddag & lycka till med bloggen!

Svar: Tack detsamma! Kram
Fashion Blogazine

2016-04-18 @ 16:30:59
URL: http://josephineslifee.blogg.se/

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