Here we go again. With a list. A lot more positive than the other one earlier this week.
Todays mood: A bit tired (long day at work) but so happy.
Todays should: Hmm.. I should have vacuumed today but tomorrow is a new day, right? Not the end of the world.
Todays hairdo: I dyed it yesterday, it's so smooth! I love the feel of fresh hair. It's all in a ponytail cause I'm working.
Todays make-up: Au natural. Didn't have time to put on any this morning. Will put on a nice basic make-up later.
Todays outfit: For the evening: Comfy jeans and a simple shirt. Just something basic.
Todays plans: Tonight I'm spending the day with my dear friends. We're going to watch a movie and drink a couple of drink in another city. Feels good to have a weekend off.
Todays wanted material thing: Iphone 8! I just bought my iphone 7 buuuuuut 8 is so pretty. And I am actually craving a + sized phone. I have the regular size at the moment.
Todays thought: Am I going to be sick? I've felt really tired and dizzy this week. My ears and head have been aching so badly and now my nose is clogged.
Todays craving: My friends!!
Todays most dull: Today one of my colleagues last day for a while. She's having a baby which I am happy for of couse but I will miss her at work.
Todays longing: Christmas. I looooooove christmas. And halloween.
Todays suuuuperlonging: My grandparents. It's been a while since we've met but I have plans to go there on sunday. I can't wait!
Todays magazine: No magazine today. Ain't got time for that. So can I give you a tip on a great show instead that I've been watching the last couple of days? Is that ok? Ok! Outlander!! You all need to watch it.
Todays song: Supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran. My fav song at the moment. Love Ed!!