Interview #10 Marah Parnell

Tell us something we don't know about you / something odd about you.

Something you don’t know about me is that I used to play soccer for many years, and after high school I kinda stopped. I think between school, work, and just life in general I never have the time. But I miss it so much, I would love to start playing again.


Favorite clothing brand?

Easy, Topshop. I'm sure everyone who knows me would agree as well. There's just something so weirdly amazing and fantastic about Topshop that I just can't get enough of.


What do you look forward to this fall?

This Fall, I want to travel more. Just more traveling in general. I'm also saving up to move out, so that could possibly be happening this year, which is perfect timing for my 22 birthday.

What will be your next buy?

Probably more denim. I have a lot of jeans, and I mean a lot, but I need better fitting ones. Since I've been doing a 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge, I've given up shopping for 30 days and I've been focusing on wearing the clothes I already own. Because of that, I've noticed I'm missing a few key staple items and one of them is more denim options.


How would you describe your style?

I would describe it as kinda 90's, with lots more black. Black isn’t my favorite color, its blue, but I love black because it looks great on an body type, but it also has something effortless about it. For a very, very long time, I was told what I could wear and how to look, so I'm spending my 20s finding my true style, but for now I'd definitely say effortlessly 90's.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from YouTubers, Tumblr, and Instagram, as I'm sure all girls do. But at the end of the day, I wear what's comfortable to me on that day. There's some days when I wear and oversized tee, leggings, boots, and an oversized jacket, but there's days where I'm not so modest and I wear a crop top, high-waisted pants, and sandals. I also get inspiration from my friends and people I work with. Whatever they're wearing, I try to wear the complete opposite of that. It's just more fun to look different from everyone else.


The most crazy item in your wardrobe?

I don’t have very many crazy pieces honestly. The one that I do have is this black tutu dress that goes a little lower than my knees. At the time, it was around Halloween (and my birthday) and the owner of Topshop, Sir Phillip Green, was actually coming to Nordstrom to see our department, since we were one of the most profitable Topshop departments in Nordstrom. I wanted to stand out by looking edgy, but showcasing my style, so I bought that dress and wore an army green jacket, and black boots with a beanie. I wore it a few times after but now it kinda sits in the back of my closet. Maybe I'll try to wear it this Fall.


Who would you like to change wardrobe with?

Probably Sammi aka The Beauty Crush on YouTube. She's one of the first people I started watching on YouTube, which was years ago. (This was before it was actually cool to watch fashion videos on YouTube.) I love her style and I feel like she probably has one of the best wardrobes out there.

How often do you clean your closet?

Probably once every season. I have a lot of season specific clothing, so I end up rotating my clothes based on the season.



I've been wanting to go to Paris forever. To shop of course, but to go out of the country too. I've never been outside the U.S. and I feel like there's so much out there I haven’t seen yet.

What would you like to see on Fashion Blogazine in the future?

More and more fashion!


 Photos: Marah Parnell


I said yes to an interview with Marah Parnell (the same girl who has been writing motivation monday here on Fashion Blogazine. Check them out HERE and HERE!) her style is nothing that we have seen here on Fashion Blogazine before. I usually focus more on classy, timeless, non-colored looks, you know black,white and grey ones but Marah's style is much more fun than that. A great girl. 

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